Thursday, May 7, 2015

Inner Dialogue: Graduation Time!

The Inner Dialogue series may come up a few more times throughout this blog. It will reflect what is happening in my current experience as it relates to me. An odd concept for someone in field where it is all about others, but one that is necessary nonetheless. Below are my thoughts on Graduation and Change. 

Graduation is a curious time. It is a time of celebration and of honoring accomplishment and yet it also acknowledges closure. It brings about the end of an era of education. And through all the joy, there is the constant question of "What is next?"

As an intern at a middle school, I've been able to see the incredible growth of my students. Some of whom are excited to move on and some of whom cannot believe we are talking about where they will be next year. There is a lot of fear in the unknown. As I have begun the job search, I have found myself exploring more of the state in the past two weeks than I have the past two years. While I've pondered what the future will bring, I have come to the conclusion that change is inevitable.

This echoed in a counseling staff meeting I partook in while shadowing at a local high school. As a group we read a couple of articles on change and different individuals' responses. This led into a discussion of how change has played a role in our lives. As I listened to veteran counselors discuss the changes they have seen I realized that though I am excited to think in longer than 4 year chunks, we never truly know what the future brings.

I am choosing to be excited about that fact rather than to live in fear. I've tried that and I was not happy. If life truly is experienced through our reactions to it, I choose to remain positive, honor my classmates, and truly be thankful for the growth we have all experienced thus far.

Congratulations Graduates!