Sunday, October 19, 2014

Starting Groups

Entering the world of school counseling, one of my greatest interests is in facilitating groups. There are endless possibilities for potential groups and it is a key way to be able to serve multiple students. However, I entered an internship site where there are no groups currently in place.

Bummer dude.

So what have I done? Well, besides talking about how I want to have at least one group at my site, I will begin a Girls Lunch Group this week! I am uncertain on if it was because I was an intern and had limited time or if it was because there has not been a group at this site in who knows how long, but this has been an intense process. With a plan of intention, and multiple conversations involving both my counseling supervisor and our administration, I have finally reached the point where I have approval, a few participants and a plan to proceed!

I am excited to provide an opportunity to build relationships and inner resilience with these students. I will keep you updates on how the group goes but for now I'm wondering what group experience you have and have stuck with you?

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